Thursday, 12 December 2019

Sprint Training and Skating Starts

In order to improve performance. all athletes should be focusing their training to specifically enhance motions utilized in their sport or competition. With regards to Short Track Speed Skating, race times are heavily affected by a skaters start. Ice skating sprints starts have a similar motion and acceleration as dry land sprint starts. It is therefore surmised that training dry land starts will benefit on ice starts. Researchers from Australia worked with nine elite and trained short track speed skaters utilizing a four week dry land starts training program to test on ice start improvement.

Athletes completed both dry land and on ice sprints to gain a control number followed by specific sprint start training and then re-doing the dry land and on ice sprints. Figure 3 below shows a comparison of an athlete’s dry land sprint time, to on ice sprint time. Both sprints were measured at time to cross 14.43m. The open circles and dashed line show the results during the control period and the black circles and solid line show the results after specific training.
The results showed a 2.6% increase in on ice sprint time after specific dry land start training.

This information can be extrapolated to all athletes. The results show that targeted training of a specific sport mechanic improve results in a game setting. An argument can be made that on ice start training will have equal or better results than dry land start training. While this is likely the case, training in the sport environment, with the right equipment, or having the right number of other athletes is not always possible. In the example of short track speed skating, the athletes likely don’t have ice access during every training session.

The take away for you as an athlete it to work with your coach or personal trainer and determine specific movements and motions you want to improve. Create a training program that you can do anywhere, especially days you don’t have access to play simulation, to target your goals.


Tuesday, 8 October 2019

Velocity Based Training

Resistance training is a key part of every workout program, regardless of your goals. It is important in weight loss, muscle gain, and explosive strength. The two main focuses of resistance training are Intensity and Volume.

Intensity is the amount of weight you are lifting, or your load, whereas volume is the number of repetitions and sets you complete. The balance between the intensity and the volume of your resistance training will depend on your goal. I have already covered weight training and reps in this Blog Post.
For any regime, you need to determine the proper intensity for that volume. Typically, this is down by determining your One Repetition Maximum (1RM). 1RM is the maximum weight you can lift properly once. Your 1RM should be tested for multiple lifts, since the weight will be different for each major muscle group. Once you’ve determined your 1RM, your program design will be based on a percentage of that weight, matched to that volume.
Science for Sport has an article explaining how to the 1RM test.

Downsides to keep in mind with the 1RM test method are:
  • First time lifters may not have proper form to complete the test
  • It is time consuming
  • Your 1RM changes as you grow stronger, requiring frequent re-testing
  • You 1RM can change on a daily basis depending on your fatigue and hormonal balance that day
An alternative to the 1RM method of resistance training is Velocity Based Training (VBT). Velocity based training uses technology to measure the movement velocity of a lift. For example, you could measure the speed it takes to press a bar from your chest to fully extended (a bench press). The resulting data would give you the movement velocity is m/s. Your maximum movement velocity is known as movement velocity threshold (MVT). In order to determine your MVT you should complete the same test as the 1RM but with your VBT gadget.

The benefits of VBT immediately counter the downsides of 1RM.
  • You don’t need to complete the VBT test as often as the 1RM. You’ll notice the MVT is given in meters per second, not as a weight like the 1RM. What this means is that as you grow stronger and increase your weight, the speed at which you complete your maximum weight lift should remain the same.
  • The MVT is easily adjustable for your daily training readiness (i.e. fatigue and other changes that affect your strength). When using the %1RM method, you are scheduled to lift 80% of your 1RM for that day. You load on the selected weight and complete your workout, but maybe don’t get as many repetitions before failure. With the %MVT method you can immediately see the inability to reach the desired velocity and adjust the weights to make your repetitions for that workout.
The downsides to MVT training are
  • It is individual and exercise dependent, so more initial tests may be required
  • The technology is pricey
Velocity based training paired with the improvements in technology is making it a more viable resistance training tool. It is a great tool to maximize workouts while allowing for day-to-day training fluctuations. Before jumping on the latest technology train make sure you check out the different devices and choose the one that is right for your workout. As always, make sure you have the basic movements of your workout down before adding in new technology, VBT is useless if you aren’t doing the lift correctly to begin with.


Thursday, 5 September 2019

Activating Muscles for Increased Speed

What happens after you use (contract) a muscle? The quick answer is fatigue! Your muscle gets tired and your performance will slowly decrease. However, that is not always the case. Postactivation Potentiation (PAP) is the exact opposite, whereafter contracting a muscle, the same muscle sees an increase in performance. In order to achieve a PAP response, a strength exercise is done at or above 85% of a single repetition maximum weight, after which an increase in power/velocity is seen for 5 - 20 minutes after the strength exercise. How PAP can affect velocity is divided into two types of speed for this review: linear and change of direction.

Linear velocity is moving in a straight line, typically tested as speed in a forward motion. A couple studies have linked performing a back squat to increase sprint speed. Performing a heavy loaded back squat, of 2 sets of 4 repetitions at 85% maximum weight showed an increase in sprint speed by 3% after 4 minutes of rest. Studies using Deadlift and Power Clean did not show any improvement in sprint speed. The reason for this is that the back squat exercise provides a loaded force, pushing into the ground in order to return to standing, which activates the same muscles used to push into the ground while sprinting. It is noted that PAP is linked to individual reaction, and therefore some people may not find the back squat to increase linear speed. In that case, athlete should try unilateral (single leg) exercises that activates either the pushing force of the run or the forward force.

Change of Direction velocity is the speed in which an individual can move in a new direction, typically tested in a full 180° turn. The two studies reviewed involved a back squat followed by a shuttle run, meaning the change of direction was 180°. Performing a heavy loaded back squat, of 5 sets of 1 repetition at 90% maximum weight showed an increase in shuttle run performance of 1.5%. Results from these studies determined less of an increase in Change of Direction velocity versus the studies done with Linear velocity. A reason for this difference could be the more complicated technique of slowing down and turning involved in performing a shuttle run..

In order to use PAP in your training, you first need to test if it will work for you and which exercises. Engage with your coach or a partner and test out different exercises paired with sprinting. In order to avoid fatigue bias in your results, make sure you test each set of exercises 2-3 days apart.


Friday, 14 June 2019

Pre-Game Training

It’s the day before a game. What kind of training should you be doing to maximize your effectiveness? Are you resting, doing some light movement like yoga or walking, or continuing with your normal scheduled training session? The answer, according to one study, is a low volume power resistance training session!

The study involved 17 national level male athletes tested on countermovement jump (CMJ), reactive strength index (RSI) in the form of a drop jump, and the rate of force development (RFD) for maximum leg press, measured over 100, 200, and 300 seconds. Participants performed two control sessions, testing explosive power before and after 24 hours and 48 hours of rest; as well as two experimental sessions, testing explosive power before and after 24 hours and 48 hours of resistance training. The resistance training was 5 sets of 4 jump squats.

Results showed an improvement in all test exercises after completing the resistance training. Maximum results were seen after 24 hours versus 48 hours from the initial test. The countermovement jump had the lowest increase in performance with only 5% increase in jump height. The reactive strength index, or drop jump had over 10% improvement in drop rate (height x ground contact time). Finally the rate of force development, tested with a leg press saw a large increase in power within the first 100 seconds of the press at an 18% increase, meaning participants were able to push harder in the first 100 seconds of the leg press.

The results 24 hours after the control (resting) sessions had no significant increases in performance, being only 2% or less from the base test.

48 hours after the base test still showed some improvements for the resistance training session. Specifically the rate of force development still had a large increase of 10% in the first 100 seconds.

Additional studies have found similar results, with improvements starting 6 hours post exercise but peaking at 24 hours. It is important to note that many studies found decreased performance with the first 15 to 30 minutes immediately after resistance training. Athletes involved in explosive sports should incorporate a low volume resistance training workout the day before major events. The focus of the training should be related to power type moves, such as a jump squat, focusing on the muscle group that will be primarily used in the sport.


How to do a Countermovement Jump:

How to do a Drop Jump:

Friday, 17 May 2019

Foam Rolling and Shoulder Range of Motion

Foam rolling is the use of a cylindrical or round object to apply pressure to a specific muscle. In recent years, it has grown in popularity due to its ability to be self administered. It makes sense that rolling out a muscle would increase ROM in associated joints and many studies have proven its ability to increase ankle, knee, and hip Range of Motion (ROM). The following study instead reviewed the ability of foam rolling the hamstring to increase shoulder range of motion, almost as far away as major muscle groups can be.

The study was completed on 12 recreationally active women. Participants were tested on baseline Passive Range of Motion (PROM) in the shoulder in flexion and extension positions, forward and backward. Foam rolling was done for 60 seconds on the hamstring, then retesting PROM immediately, after 10 minutes, 20 minutes, 30 minutes, 24 hours, and 48 hours. PROM is someone else moving your joint.

Shoulder flexion testing showed an increase in 9° immediately following foam rolling. The angle of range decreased as time went on with no significant difference to the baseline test at 20 minutes post rolling. The averaged results of the testing can be seen in Figure 5.

Shoulder extension testing showed an increase in 10° immediately after foam rolling. Unlike the flexion test, the extension test showed increase ROM for 20 minutes after foam rolling compared to the baseline. The average results of the extension testing can be seen in Figure 6.

Further studies have shown similar results in a PROM increase in joints not directly surrounding the area being foam rolled. Reasons for this change are still being considered but could be linked to massage increasing overall pain tolerance thus allowing joints in be moved further. Regardless of the reasoning, the results of this study show that massage manipulation of one area can improve PROM in another. This information can be used to increase the range of motion in an injured area without applying undue pressure to the injury.

Check out This Article on the basics of foam rolling and This Video going over six different foam rolling movements you can do pre and post workout!


Wednesday, 27 March 2019

Single vs Double Leg Jumps

Plyometrics are explosive workouts aimed to improve power and burst force. These types of exercises are typically given to athletes in sports that require quick power or movement. Plyometrics for athletes are used to improve an athlete’s Rate of Force Development (RFD). The RFD is essentially how quickly an athlete can load up (i.e contract) their muscle for use. For explosive power, you are looking at muscle loading taking place within 250 milliseconds.

Previous studies have reviewed strength generated between one leg and both leg activiations. The  findings determined that one legged exercises produced more strength in that leg than the same  exercises done with both legs. These studies were solely done on strength moves and not explosive  moves.

A study was done at the University of Athens to specifically look at explosive power between single  and double leg exercises. The study used 15 physically active participants between the ages of 18  and 26. All participants completed a test on single leg jumping and double legged jumping before and after the study. Participants were split into two groups, one for single leg and one for double leg  exercises. Each group completed 8 exercises twice a week for 6 weeks.

After the 6 week training session the participants all completed the same single leg and double leg  jumps as they did at the start.

Figure 1 shows the initial results for each group and the percent change for each group at the end of the study. The white bars are the bilateral or the double leg group. The black bars are the unilateral or single leg group. The first graph shows the average results for each jump and each group followed by the percent increase for each jump and each group. Both groups saw a similar increase in their double legged jump performance. However, the single leg group saw a 15.6% larger improvement for the single leg jumps on average, which is 5 times more improvement!

Figure 1: Post study testing results

These results can conclude that single leg plyometrics is great for increasing single leg jump  performance as well as double leg jump performance. Double leg plyometrics is great for increasing  double leg jump performance, but less effective at improving single leg jump performance.

A possible explanation for the greater improvement in single leg jumps is due to the nature of the  movement. It has been observed that single leg movements are slower than double leg movements.  The slower speed allows more of the muscle to contract, which leads to a greater force during the  movement. This could explain why the single leg group performed better in the single leg jump test,  since they were training more of the maximum force in their legs.

The take away from this study is that athletes should be incorporating single leg plyometrics in their  training to improve lower body explosive power.
